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Planning for Sustainable Growth in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc

The Government has published a long awaited policy paper setting out the approach they intend to take to delivering the ambitious levels of growth planned for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc. The paper includes the following:

– A timeline for developing the framework,
– How they will engage communities and work with local partners, and
– The high-level scope of the framework, including the approach it will take to planning for the environment, infrastructure, economic growth, and new homes and place-making.


There will be the following opportunities to comment on the proposals:

  1. Vision – The Government intend to launch this process in early 2021, and will use comments from initial stakeholder engagement to produce a draft vision statement for public consultation in Summer 2021.
  2. ‘Towards a Spatial Framework’ consultation – Building on the vision, the Government will develop policy and growth options for consultation. They intend to publish a consultation document in Spring 2022.
  3. Draft Spatial Framework – A draft Spatial Framework will be published for consultation containing the Preferred Options. This is intended to be published in Autumn 2022, with the final Spatial Framework implemented shortly after.

We would be delighted to hear from you if you have land to put forward for consideration in the Local Authority areas identified on the boundary map opposite, or if you wish to make comments on its content.


The paper can be viewed in full on the link below:


For further information on this and to discuss any related planning matters please contact our Head of Planning Dan Hewett